Saturday, January 20, 2007

Double takes for U2

One song. Two incredible videos. Director Jonas Odell (with skilled assistance from Nexus Productions and FilmTecknarna) turns flat photographs into a three-dimensional journey through iconic landscapes reminiscent of the group's early album art. Watch Odell & Co.'s video for U2's "Window in the Skies" here.

Now for something completely different, Gary Kroepke and his crew at ad agency Modernista! (their exlamation point, not mine) team up with post-production and effects house The Mill. The result? Other musicians -- from Frank Sinatra to Jimi Hendrix to Nina Simone to Thom Yorke -- bring the song to life. Watch their video. (An ambitious blogger breaks it down scene by scene, guest star by guest star, here.)

1 comment:

loveitallabove said...

when I first peaked at this video it struck me as a mass culture finest moment...but the quality of the song I am still not sure about, which does not disqualify it as a mass culture finest moment. would love to see how this plots on New York magazine's matrix...